Preschool Essentials

What to bring to preschool

Please put your child in comfortable clothes that you don’t mind them getting dirty. 

 It might be worth having a few sets of ‘pre-school clothes’. 

Please ensure your child wears clothes suitable for the weather forecast for that day.  

Please bring in a labelled bag with clean, spare clothes and nappies and wipes if your child requires them


Please do not send your child to pre-school with toys from home, comforters (labelled) if absolutely necessary are ok to support your child to settle. 


Please provide a labelled pair of wellington boots that fit as these will be kept at pre-school long term and used in the garden area daily (in all weathers). 


Please apply sun cream to your child at home before they enter the setting if sunny weather is likely.  We can reapply suncream if you provide consent and a labelled bottle


Each child will receive a named book bag when they start preschool and this will be sent home each day with the children's artwork and any communication from staff